Which are the best freelance marketplaces?

Nowadays freelancing is not easy as before, Covid turned many professionals into freelancers & they are doing both together from home.

So in my view, If you are a full-time freelancer then Upwork is the main player to be carried on, there are great buyers & you can get projects for a long time & It could be a great experience for your future perspective.

Despite having great buyers, you should be a hard worker & have a stronghold over your skills, delivery on time is the main thing to be followed.

On the other hand, If you are not familiar with the bidding system & feel boring to bid daily & wait for responses & projects, then Fiverr is another great option to start your freelancing journey.

Fiverr follow a different system in comparison with Upwork, just create your Gig as per the skills & services you want to offer.

Fiverr promotes new professionals & you can earn a good amount here.

You can try a few more platforms also, but these are the main players in the freelancing economy.

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